How effective is your training? Are you achieving the target ROI for your training budget? I have been a consultant and a certified instructor for over 10 years delivering certified training in ITIL®, Quality Management Systems and more recently, qualified as a Capability Maturity Model Integration for Service (CMMI-SVC) instructor. These types of training courses…
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Compliance Certifications a Rubber/Wax Stamp or a By-Product of Organizational Maturity and Excellence? Part 2: Compliance Certifications – A By-Product of Mature Organizations ‘Say what you do, do what you say, and be able to prove it’! Readers who had exposure to quality systems, and/or audits, would have probably heard this quote before. For readers…
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Compliance Certifications a Rubber/Wax Stamp or a By-Product of Organizational Maturity and Excellence? Part 1: Compliance Certifications – Intent and Interpretation The natural place to hang compliance certificates is usually on walls within the reception area, or inside conference rooms. What do they really mean and what type and level of expectations should a customer…
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